Prevalence of mixed neuropathologies in autopsied older adults and associations
   Lead Investigator:    Willa Brenowitz
   Institution      :     
   E-Mail           :
   Proposal ID      :    511

Publications: 1 Brenowitz WD, Hubbard RA, Hawes SE, Keene CD, Longstreth WT, Crane PK, Larson EB, Kukull WA Comorbid brain conditions in older adults with clinical Alzheimer's disease 2017 Abstract Am J Epidemiol ,
2 Brenowitz WD , Hubbard RA, Keene CD, Hawes SE, Longstreth T, Woltjer RL, Kukull WA Mixed neuropathologies and estimated rates of clinical progression in a large autopsy sample Journal Article Alzheimers Dement,6:654-662,2017,PMC5438283
3 Brenowitz WD , Hubbard RA, Keene D, Hawes SE, Longstreth WT, Jr., Kukull WA Clinical progression in mixed neuropathologies: testing interactions of Lewy bodies and vascular brain injury with Alzheimer's disease neuropathologic change Abstract Alzheimers Dement,12:P736-P737,2016,
4 Brenowitz WD , Hubbard RA, Keene D, Hawes SE, Longstreth WT, Jr., Woltjer RL, Kukull WA Mixed neuropathologies and associations with domain-specific cognitive decline Journal Article Neurology,89:1773-1781,2017,PMC5664309
5 Brenowitz WD , Keene CD, Hawes SE, Hubbard RA, Longstreth Jr WT, Woltjer RL, Crane PK, Larson EB, Kukull WA Alzheimer's disease neuropathologic change, Lewy body disease, and vascular brain injury in clinic- and community-based samples Journal Article Neurobiol Aging,53:83-92,2017,PMC5385292

Proposal Description: